3 months ago

Vineyard Sadie Single Sided Front Mount

Equipment Showroom

For Small Vineyards Has Nylon Bristles, Rubber Flaps & Steel Spring Tynes

Crendon Machinery have made a new design Sadie with 50% more nylon bristles, each bristle is twice the diameter as before. Now comes with spring tynes for heavy sweeping out of grass.

Vineyard SADIE is a pruning and leaf sweeper which clears prunings and debris from under fruit trees and vines, improving vineyard hygiene. The steel spring tynes easily removes weed clumps to give clean ground for pre-emergence herbicide spraying.

The SADIE now comes with Steel Spring Tyne,  nylon bristles and rubber flaps as standard.

SADIE’s long nylon bristles do not damage vine trunks or trickle lines. A skid is incorporated into the bottom of the rotating head to assist in height control.

SADIE’s spinning head has a shear bolt system mounted immediately after the hydraulic ram, which allows the head to swing back 120º preventing further damage to the unit.

A heavy duty deflector, mounted in front of the SADIE prevents debris being thrown too far. If this deflector hits a solid object, while turning at the end of rows, a shear bolt breaks and prevents any damage.

The new Vineyard SADIE now comes complete with a steel mesh guard to protect tractor from flying debris. Also comes with a heavy duty deflector which fits beneath the SADIE’s mesh guard protecting the bottom of the tractor. Both guards are bolt-on and have adjustable over-hang settings.

SADIE’s clean sweep reduces the amount of herbicide required to maintain weed free strips.

Older model pictured above


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