Real machinery, service & people

Auger Drive SA20 Series

Agricultural Machinery
Land Pride
Post Hole Diggers

The SA20 is ideal for landscapers, contractors, construction companies, farmers, ranchers, and others.

Hydraulic hoses

Hydraulic hoses are routed out the top of the gearbox housing, allowing housing to follow auger into a deeper hole without damaging hoses.

Level indicator

Patented level indicator makes it easy to know when the auger is vertical to drill straight holes

Offset mount

The Skid Augers have a center and 18″ offset mount to the right to adjust drill position.


Equipment Showroom
Showroom Range:
Agricultural Machinery
Showroom Categories:
Implements, Lifestyle/Turf Care
Showroom Sub-Categories:
Post Hole Diggers
Our Brands:
Land Pride

Serving Busselton and the South West of Western Australia for over 40 years, the team at Nicholls Machinery know all there is about the agriculture and construction industries. Not only can we supply you with the equipment you need new and used, we also service it locally.

Contact Us

31/33 Bunbury St, Busselton WA 6280

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