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Blue Series – Trailed Air Seeders

Agricultural Machinery
Air Seeders

For the controlled traffic purist, and those wanting the flexibility and functionality of small to medium sized machines. The Blue Series air seeders will help you to optimise planting times.

Gason’s proven range of air seeders are robustly engineered, highly accurate and extremely easy to use.

VRT Metering System
Metering accuracy is assured with Variable Rate Technology, featuring ease of calibration and application rate changes from the tractor cabin.

SR Meterbox
Side Release meterboxes provide exceptional functionality, enabling fast and effective cleaning/changeover, and catering to a wide range of seeding practices.

Models Available


The most affordable of our tow behind air seeders. This trailed model has the capacity of it’s bigger brother without the added expense of controlled traffic. Ideal for smaller farms with mixed operation.


The versatile 1860 models are the perfect balance of functionality and affordability. Front tow and rear tow options are available, and rear tow models are configured with controlled traffic (castor or steering). The 1860 suits smaller farms where large heavy machinery is not always necessary.


The upgraded 1890 models come with larger bin sizes and an abundance of options not offered on the 1760/1860 models. Rear tow machines can be configured with controlled traffic (castor or steering), and all can be customised with many features of the Platinum Series high capacity range.

Configurations and Specifications

Bin Capacity Bin Split Meterbox Wheel Type Wheel Centres Tow Type
1760 6,200L (2 bin)
6,490L (3 bin)
44/56 SR Trailed 2m or 3m Rear
1860 6,200L (2 bin)
6,490L (3 bin)
SR CTC or CTS 3m* Front or Rear
1890 9,200L (2 bin)
9,260L (3 bin)
SR CTC or CTS 3m* Front or Rear
CTC = Controlled Traffic Castoring, CTS = Controlled Traffic Steering.
*please contact dealer for model configurations


Equipment Showroom
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Agricultural Machinery
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Air Seeders
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Serving Busselton and the South West of Western Australia for over 40 years, the team at Nicholls Machinery know all there is about the agriculture and construction industries. Not only can we supply you with the equipment you need new and used, we also service it locally.

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31/33 Bunbury St, Busselton WA 6280

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