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KUBOTA Seed Drill SD2001MP Series

Agricultural Machinery
Power Harrow Seed Drills

KUBOTA Seed Drill SD2001MP Series Power Harrow Seed Drills

Kubota’s SD2100MP Series Seed Drills provide seed bed preparation, soil recompaction and precise sowing in just one pass. Each model is simple to operate, starting with the generous 1100 L hopper for easy loading. Operators have a good view from the cab, and basic weighing equipment (collection pan and scale) is supplied as standard. All models in the range use ELDOS (electronic dosing) metering, and can sow anywhere from 1 to 400 kg per hectare. Sowing depth is accurate and easily adjusted via spacers at the two hydraulic cylinders, and power harrow adjustments don’t affect the coulterbar.

Unique Hopper

The unique patented design of the hopper provides great visibility from the cab, and the heavy modules in the drill / harrow combination sit directly behind the tractor, which means less required lift capacity and greater manoeuvrability. Calibration can be easily done at the metering device, which is mounted to the left side of the machine, and there’s also a convenient low-seed sensor. 

Precise CX-II Discs

Our CX-II discs have a shallow cutting angle and require less pressure to reach a constant seeding depth. The set-up incorporates a 325 mm steel disc paired with a 250 mm flex pressing wheel, for optimal coulter-to-soil contact. Meanwhile, the heavy-duty cast iron coulter arms on the SD2001MP Series are set for 125 mm spacing and provide up to 35 kg of downward pressure. Maintenance-free bearings with no greasing points mean trouble-free operation. Rigid, flexible or lifted positions ensure smooth running in wet or dry conditions. 

Electronic Dosing

The ELDOS metering device is electric and fully ISOBUS compatible. Special sensors ensure perfect functionality, all safely and efficiently monitored from the cab. Calibration tests are simple, with on-screen guidance and settings – there’s no need to adjust any gears. Auto on/off for efficient headland turning is possible using GEOCONTROL and GPS. 

Full Rotor Set

The SD2001MP Series comes with a full set of rotors, for high-rate cereals through to grass, rape, lower seeding rates, and maize and sunflower seeds. Rotors are easy to change without tools, and the ELDOS system warns the operator if the seed/rotor configuration isn’t correct. 

ISOBUS Control

The SD2001MP Series come standard as fully ISOBUS controlled, either through a universal terminal or via optional Kubota Tellus PRO or Tellus GO+ precision farming terminals. This allows the operator to monitor performance easily and safely from the cab and makes calibration quick and simple. 


KUBOTA Power Harrow Seed Drills at Nicholls Machinery for all your Agricultural Machinery needs.

Showcasing the Kubota Power Harrow Seed Drills at Nicholls Machinery in Busselton Western Australia

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